Clerkship Timeline

2025-26 Clerkships

Event Time
Hiring Period Clerkship vacancies are usually filled during the regular hiring season as set forth below, approximately fifteen months before the clerkship begins. If any vacancies arise outside the ordinary course, they will be posted on this website.
Number of Clerks Up to 17
Applications Due May 1, 2024
Interview Period May-June, 2024. Judges interested in interviewing applicants will reach out to those applicants with interview scheduling information. If you have not received a response by June 15, please contact us at
Response Time to an Offer Offers may be extended at any time after an interview. Applicants are expected to respond promptly.
Clerkship Length A clerkship lasts for one to two years. Judges hiring for longer than one-year clerkships will hire from those applicants who indicate that length of availability in their application.
Clerkship Start Date Clerkship start dates are based upon the convenience of the court in consultation with the incoming law clerk. Most law clerks start in August.