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superior court Opinions and Orders 517 Opinions

Parties/Caption Date File Number Court Type Judicial Officer Description
State v. Holiday 10/04/2024 1911015042; 2008011758 Superior Court Criminal Brennan
Order. Defendant’s Motion for Credit Time Previously Served - DENIED
State v. Welch 10/04/2024 2202013599 Superior Court Criminal Brennan
Order. Defendant’s Motion to Reduce Sentence - DENIED.
Dudlek v. Jovie Childcare Reimagined 10/03/2024 N23A-12-005 SPL Superior Court Civil Lugg
Memorandum Opinion and Order. Appeal from the Decision of the Industrial Accident Board - AFFIRMED.
Rabinovitch v. Statewide Employee Benefits Committee (SEBC),[1] 10/02/2024 N24A-02-004 KMM Superior Court Civil Miller
Memorandum Opinion and Order. Appeal of the State Employee Benefits Committee - AFFIRMED.
Dudsak, et al. v. Koester, et al. 10/01/2024 N23C-08-135 FJJ Superior Court Civil Jones
Order. Defendant’s Motion for Summary Judgment - DENIED.
State v. Brown 10/01/2024 0902005408 Superior Court Criminal Jurden
Order. Defendant’s Fourth Motion for Sentence Modification - DENIED.
Buck v. Viking Holding Management Company, LLC 09/30/2024 N20C-08-249 MAA CCLD Superior Court Civil Adams
Post-Trial Memorandum Opinion.
Mac Isaac v. Cable News Network, Inc., et al 09/30/2024 S22C-10-012 RHR Superior Court Civil Robinson
Memorandum Opinion. Cable News Network, Inc., Politico LLC, and BFPCC, Inc.’s Motions to Dismiss - GRANTED. Mac Isaac’s Motion to Dismiss - GRANTED. Biden’s Motion for Summary Judgment - GRANTED. Biden’s Motion to Strike - MOOT.
State v. Cabela’s Inc., et al. 09/30/2024 N23M-06-118 JRJ Superior Court Civil Jurden
Memorandum Opinion. Petitioner’s Motion to Enforce Subpoena Duces Tecum – GRANTED. Respondents’ Motion to Quash - DENIED.
State v. Lloyd 09/30/2024 0808010637A/B Superior Court Criminal Rennie
Order. Defendant’s Motion for Sentence Modification – DENIED.
State v. Lolley 09/30/2024 1812005541 Superior Court Criminal Vavala
Order. Defendant's Motion for Postconviction Relief - DENIED.
State v. Stigile 09/30/2024 20010020200 & 2205013206 Superior Court Criminal Salomone
Report And Recommendation. Defendant’s Motion for Postconviction Relief - SHOULD BE SUMMARILY DISMISSED.
Thompson, et al. v. Lewis, et al. 09/30/2024 N23C-08-039 PAW Superior Court Civil Winston
Opinion. Defendant State Farm’s Motion to Dismiss - DENIED.
Wellgistics, LLC v. Welgo, Inc. 09/27/2024 N22C-08-182 KMM Superior Court Civil Miller
Memorandum Opinion and Order: Plaintiff/Counterclaim Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss Third Amended Counterclaim and Motion to Dismiss Petition - GRANTED; Plaintiff/Counterclaim Defendant’s Motion to Strike Affirmative Defenses - GRANTED.
Aearo Technologies, LLC, et al., v. ACE American Insurance Co., et al. 09/26/2024 N23C-06-255 SKR CCLD Superior Court Civil Rennie
Order. Plaintiffs’ Application for Certification of Interlocutory Appeal – DENIED.
Sofregen Medical, Inc., et al. v. Allergan Sales, LLC, et al. 09/26/2024 N20C-03-319 EMD CCLD Superior Court Civil Davis
Decision After Trial.
Duncan v. Garvin, et al. 09/25/2024 K20M-11-022 JCC Superior Court Civil Clark
Order. Motion for Reargument - DENIED.
Huggins v. Benson 09/25/2024 K24C-03-020 NEP Superior Court Civil Primos
Order. Plaintiff’s Motion for Partial Summary Judgment – GRANTED. Defendant’s Motion to Transfer the Defenses and Counterclaims to the Court of Chancery – DENIED WITHOUT PREJUDICE.
Beyond Risk Topco Holdings, L.P., et al. v. Chandler, et al. 09/24/2024 N24C-01-221 EMD CCLD Superior Court Civil Davis
Opinion. Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss – GRANTED. Plaintiffs’ Motion to Dismiss Counterclaims – GRANTED in Part, DENIED in PART.
Loos v. Jackson et al. 09/24/2024 N22C-07-047 FWW Superior Court Civil Wharton
Order. Defendant Jackson’s Motion for Patrial Summary Judgment – GRANTED. Defendant Arrow Leasing Corp.’s Motion for Partial Summary Judgment – GRANTED.
Feldman, et al. v. Marks 09/23/2024 N21C-09-206 DJB Superior Court Civil Brennan
Civil Memorandum Opinon. Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss – DENIED. Defendant’s Motion for Summary Judgment – DENIED. Plaintiff’s Motion for Summary Judgment - GRANTED.
Smartmatic USA Corp., et al. v. Newsmax Media, Inc. 09/23/2024 N21C-11-028 EMD Superior Court Civil Davis
Memorandum Opinion. Defendant’s Rule 59(e) Motion for Clarification or, in the Alternative, Motion for Reargument as to the Court’s Summary Judgment Ruling on Punitive Damages – GRANTED.
Schatzman v. Modern Controls, Inc., et al. 09/20/2024 N24C-01-071 EMD CCLD Superior Court Civil Davis
Opinion. Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss – GRANTED in part, DENIED in part.
State v. Herkins 09/20/2024 1606022887 Superior Court Criminal Miller
Order. Defendant's Motion for Sentence Modification - DENIED.
Arden Investments, LLC v. Johnathan Lebron and Lebron Construction LLC 09/19/2024 N24C-02-098 JRJ Superior Court Civil Jurden
Memorandum Opinion. Defendant Johnathan Lebron’s Motion to Dismiss – GRANTED. Defendant Lebron Construction LLC’s Motion to Dismiss – GRANTED in part; DENIED in part.

* C.=Chancellor or Commissioner C.J.=Chief Justice or Chief Judge J.=Justice or Judge M.=Magistrate in Chancery P.J.=President Judge R.J.=Resident Judge V.C.=Vice Chancellor